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Welcome to Plenty of Room, your source for everything about molecular machines!

Introducing a new newsletter to cover the latest articles, exciting research and industry development.

The CRISPR-Cas system. Image credit: Shutterstock

Plenty of Room is your guide to the cutting-edge news related to molecular machines. From genome editors and DNA nanorobots to molecular computers and beyond, we cover it all. The name “Plenty of Room” is inspired by the famous lecture from Richard Feynman about the possibilities that machines at the nanoscale could unlock. In the ‘60s, he could only speculate about these incredible machines: today, we can create and observe them in action, and I want to keep you informed about every breakthrough!

Each week, Plenty of Room will spotlight groundbreaking research and recent publications, highlight the most innovative companies in the field, and offer occasional deep dives into fascinating topics. I want this to become your go-to source for staying up-to-date with the exciting developments in molecular machines.

Why am I the right person to do it? I have a PhD in DNA nanotech, and I know first-hand how hard it is to keep up with publications. I always loved to read new articles and see how others are solving problems, and I want to bring you a newsletter that makes it easier to stay updated. 

Sign up today — the newsletter is free — and I’ll bring the most exciting stories to your inbox every week!